Monday, February 6, 2017

Hello World - Edit your first App

We will not Edit the app. Note: Dont include the node_module folder in your project.

1) After installation our project look like this:

2) Go to my-app -> src-> app -> and open the app.component.ts file.
3) update the title and look the updated result.

AngularJs2 Configuration with Visual Studio

We will follow the official website to configure AngularJs 2. Please follow the following steps:

1) Go to the website
2) Install Node Js site and download the latest version:
3) After installation, Open the node terminal and then run the command npm install -g angular-cli to install angular js globally.
4) Reach your project file path and run the command ng new my-app.
5) Now your application ready to work.
6) Run the application using ng new my-app